Judah exiled to Babylon (606 B.C.) and 2520 years (P.85 & 87) later (1915), Britian's near Palestine.
Picture With regard to America there seems to be a pattern that parallels ancient Israel which began in B.C. 933. The Declaration of Independence was declared in 1776 and 13 years before the Constitution for the United States of America (1789) created a constitutional republic.
The tribe of Manasseh (see map) was taken into captivity in B.C. 745. From B.C. 745 until 1776 is 2520 years (see Pages 85 & 87 about God's punishment times). From B.C. 933 until B.C. 745 is 188 years. In America's case if one figures from 1789 to 1977 it is also 188 years. If Israel's downfall began in 188 years after it's creation then we might conclude that the same happens with America. In 1977, and 188 years after the constitution of 1789, George W. Bush entered into a pact with a bin Laden family member. He and Salem, brother to Osama formed Arbusto Energy. Salem was killed 11 years later in Texas. Also in 1977, President Carter took office pushing neocons into the GOP.
Israel went from B.C. 933 to B.C. 721 (212 years) until the capitol fell. In America, the capitol fell in 2001, or 212 years after 1789, to an unelected* George W. Bush the "neo-cons" who were agents of the Israelis. In America, like Israel the entire country did not fall as state governments continued.
After Samaria fell it was 21 years before a final invasion removed the Israelites and if we add 21 years to the year 2001 when Washington D.C. fell it brings us to 2022 and this is 2520 years after the Israelites were moving towards the Dniester River** which separates Moldova from Transnistru.
When Deputy Minister Vitaliy Yankovskiy of the, Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublica, (www.mfa-pmr.idknet.com) wrote me that his country sought to "achieving a status of an internationally recognized state..." he probably never considered that the Dniester River, where the Lost Tribes** traveled for thirteen years, might be holy and account for Transnistrias stunning 1992 "victory which was won...[over] the nationalistically-minded Moldova" that saw its "military aggression" pushed back across this river. I had written Mr. Yankovskiys president about the Zionist plan to flood the EU with African immigrants to mix the races.

*The Bush Campaign had tried to stop the counting of disputed votes through the courts. The Florida Supreme Court allowed these manual recounts to continue, but the U.S. Supreme Court halted the recount, allowing George W. Bush to be declared the winner in Florida, and become president.
**Using maps (P.90 & 91) to make estimates show the Cimmerians east of the Sareth (Siret) River in 525 B.C. (2520 years later=A.D. 2006). These Israelites reached the beginning of the Sareth in about 500 B.C. (2520 years later=A.D. 2021) and 13 years later reached the Dniester River (13 letters) in the Ukraine at the 47th (4+7=13) parallel in 487 B.C. (2520 years later=A.D. 2034. 99942 Apophis may hit in 2029 (4/13/29) a date 1300 years since another asteroid hit Earth. Other years: 2035, 2036 or 2037). They traveled up this river 13 years and left it in 474 B.C. (2520 years later=A.D. 2047, 2+0+4+7=13). Surely it was Manasseh the 13th Tribe (See P. 84) at the Dniester and some or all the dates above might be significant in prophecy.

Jesus said "...GO teach all nations...baptizing...and I am with you unto the end the world."


Page 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,


The capitol is Tiraspol (pop. 210,000)
located on the banks of the Nistru
River (Dniester River)
between Moldova
(42 miles from Chisinau) and the Ukraine
(62 miles from Odessa on the Sea).
For info on travel and low cost rooms:

email: chermannstadt2001@yahoo.com


